
Bert and Ernie: An Unparalleled Romance

dBert and Ernie: An Unparalleled Romance

Bert and Ernie, characters from the popular children’s show Sesame Street, have been the topic for discussion among many who question their sexuality. Here are the facts:
– They’re two men who live together
– They share the same bedroom
– As one can see in the picture, they like to whisper secrets into each others ears
I don’t know about anyone else, but it’s almost as damn near obvious as John Travolta. Obviously this is all light hearted, and I highly doubt that the creators of Sesame Street actually intended to insinuate that these two muppets on a children’s show were homosexual for each other. However, I do feel that if they were represented as gay characters, it would help young children understand what homosexuality is, and ultimately accept it better. It would also help those who spend years struggling to figure out or accept their sexuality come to a conclusion at a younger age, feeling as though homosexuality is not a bad thing at a very young age. Ultimately, Bert and Ernie being viewed as homosexuals is harmless, and I feel would actually help more than it would harm.


Your Gay Bestfriend

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